High School

High School Ministry at Triumphant Love is not only focused on relationships, but also on discovery and purpose. We focus on building strong relationships and exploring our faith deeply all while equipping us to be leaders in the community. We offer several programs, service opportunities, and a “big summer trip”. We also have employment opportunities for our High School students through our summer day camp, Sunday nursery, and Wednesday kitchen staff. All with the purpose of helping our high schoolers discover themselves and deepen their faith. We also offer classes for parents to help our families thrive in this short, but significant phase of life.

Our High School Ministry program offers many events and activities throughout the year. To see dates and times for events and activities, visit our calendar and event registration page. If you would like to learn more about the High School Ministry fill out a Connections Card.

To see dates and times for these events visit our calendar or event registration page.

High School Ministry Calendar

Family Events Calendar

Event Registrations

Important Forms

Sunday 10-10:50am (Youth Room/Upper Room)
High Schoolers have two options. They can attend the youth Sunday School class in the youth room, or attend the Adult Faith in Action Sunday School class in the Upper Room. Topics include outreach ministry spotlight presentations, multi-week series on topics of
discipleship, social justice, Bible study, and Christian faith.

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Various times throughout the year
6th-12th graders participate in service projects in our congregation as well as all over the central Texas area.

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Wednesday Evenings 7-9:00pm (Youth Room)
Open to all 9th-12th graders. Mentor-supervised snacking, homework, games, and fellowship happen in the first hour. The second hour is reserved for group Bible study led by Deacon Bri.

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Three to Four Times per Year 10:00am (Fellowship Hall)
The Children’s Ministry team sponsors breakfasts for the whole congregation in celebration of special seasonal events.

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During our regular Sunday worship services we lead a special blessing of backpacks, school bags, briefcases, etc. for all those returning to schools to teach, learn, and support those who do.

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Sunday before Halloween
We host a neighborhood and multi-generational event held in our back parking lot. Children dress in costumes and move from trunk to trunk collecting goodies. All TLLC ministry groups participate. Free food and entertainment is provided as well as prizes and games for the whole family.

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The high school youth group assembles care packages for our recently graduated students filled with candy, a special note, and a Reformation devotion.

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During our Wednesday evening worship we invite all new drivers to participate in a special blessing as they reach a significant life milestone and accept the responsibility of driving.

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6th-12th graders participate in prepping for and baking fresh Thanksgiving pies for local school PTA organizations, our Outreach partners,
neighborhood first responders, and our congregation. This huge event helps raise money for the youth ministry and often attracts youth alumni who like to drop in and help out!

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This weekend retreat is for families and takes place at Camp Chrysalis in Kerrville. Families spend the weekend in worship, prayer, fellowship, and special activities with the purpose of preparing for the Advent season. Registration directly with the camp begins in October.

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Prepare for the coming of Christmas by singing karaoke, making fun Advent crafts, decorating cookies, and competing in a chili cook-off. Free event, dinner served.

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Weekend retreat for 9th-12th graders held at Lutherhill in La Grange. This retreat is designed to deepen the relationships of our Youth students as they move through their faith discovery and begin to face more challenging topics. Registration begins in January.

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Good Friday 10:00am (Begins in the TLLC Parking Lot)
This special worship event is for young children & families on Good Friday. All ages take part in activities corresponding to the Stations of the Cross culminating in a special worship in our Outdoor Worship Area. This is ideal for families of young children for whom the traditional Good Friday worship may not be appropriate.

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During our regular Sunday worship services we lead a special blessing for our graduating seniors. They are presented with blankets that have been handmade by members of the congregation.

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TLLC reserves blocks of space for our sleep away campers (2nd-12th grade). Our elementary students attend age-grouped camping programs and our middle school campers attend Confirmation camp. Leadership camping programs are available for 9th-12th graders. Registration begins in December.

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For 9th-12th graders. Youth and adult mentors travel together each summer. Destinations are on a three-year rotation. Year 1 – National Youth Gathering: ELCA sponsored event occurring in a large US city where students take part in worship, fellowship, faith education, and service projects alongside Lutheran youth from all over the country. Year 2 – Outdoorsy Trip: Hiking, sleeping, cooking, and challenging ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually while out in nature. Year 3 – Service Trip: Various destinations with the goal of immersing in a new culture and experiences while learning how to serve others. Registration begins in December.

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Camp Hope is offered two different weeks for children 4 years old – completed 6th grade. This is a unique adult-mentored, youth-led ministry. Each day, children hear a new Bible story & learn what it means through hands-on, creative and age-appropriate activities. All day long every activity points them back to the Bible story. This is done through small groups, worship, snacks, art, STEM, drama and music!  Camp Registration begins in February.

Applications for Camp Staff open in January.

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Connections Card

Thank you for visiting our website. We would like to get to know you and answer any questions you have. Please fill out this connections card and the appropriate person will contact you.

Baptism Form

  • In order for us to be best prepared to celebrate your special day, please schedule at least a month in advance. Note: Not all Sundays are available. Be prepared with a second option.
  • Name as you would like it to appear on the certificate
  • Full name(s) (as you would like them to appear on the certificate, please separate with a coma if more than one name)
  • Full Name(s) (as you would like them to appear on the certificate, please separate with a coma if more than one name)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.