Visiting Triumphant Love Lutheran Church
Welcome to TLLC!
Triumphant Love Lutheran Church believes that God’s love surpasses all. We are an open and inviting congregation. We welcome God’s children of all ages, abilities, family structures, gender identities or expressions, sexual orientations, races and ethnic backgrounds, and socioeconomic status. We are building an affirming and inclusive community with those who believe, doubt, question, seek, and
wonder. Everyone is unique, beloved by God, and worthy of a place to belong.
We’d love to get to know you, please fill out a Connections Card.
Worship Style
Worship stands at the center of our life of faith. We gather around Word and Sacrament, growing in our relationship with God through God’s word, water, bread, and prayer. Central to everything we do, worship unites us in celebration, engages us in thoughtful dialogue and helps us to grow a generous faith. It grounds us in our Christian and Lutheran roots, while demonstrating practical relevance for today’s world.

Liturgical worship is at the heart of the Lutheran tradition. We worship liturgically in a variety of styles using paper bulletins and hymnals as well as screens. Our aim is always to share the best of both traditional and contemporary music in each service by incorporating the songs of our heritage, our sisters and brothers around the world, and our modern culture. Using the Revised Common Lectionary, we hear God’s Word along with Christians of many denominations. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper at every worship gathering where we receive forgiveness of sin, life, and salvation.
For in person worship, hearing assistance is available, and our services are now available live streamed and recorded online.
Children in Worship? Yes!
At TLLC children in worship are not only welcomed but expected… with all their wiggles, giggles, grumps, and bumps. Our community is not complete without all ages being welcomed to worship. We strive to engage children worshiping with us through a variety of ways. Children and young people of all ages are welcome at the Lord’s Supper to receive the bread and wine (or grape juice).
Learn about the many ways children participate as worship leaders through our Worship & Music Ministry.

We celebrate the Eucharist or Lord’s Supper at every worship gathering. In this meal we believe that Christ is present “in, with, and under the bread and wine,” and because he is we receive forgiveness of sin, new life, and salvation. The communion meal is not something we deserve. Instead it is a means of grace – a gift – from God through Jesus. The communion meal is also not something we can fully comprehend. Therefore, people of all ages and backgrounds are welcome at the Lord’s Table to receive bread and wine (or grape juice). Those not receiving the elements are welcome to come forward for a blessing. Children around 1st or 2nd grade or those who have not received communion before are encouraged to attend one of our Communion Instruction Classes in the Spring.

Sunday School
10:00am Sunday
Faith, like all things, needs tending. Our opportunities to learn together at all ages gives us weekly opportunities to seek God in our everyday life and refine our understanding of how our faith impacts our daily lives.
Getting Around TLLC
When you arrive for worship on Sunday, enter through the rightmost set of glass doors through the portico. You will be greeted by greeters and ushers who can help you so let them know you are visiting for the first time. There are supplies available to make a name tag if you like. Be sure to explore our building before or after the service. We have a hallway display with several informational items about our church and its ministries.
If you are arriving for Wednesday Evening Worship, enter through the leftmost set of glass doors and follow the signs to the Outdoor Worship Area. There are stairs down to the stadium seating area as well as an ADA accessible patio.
For all other non-worship events, enter through the leftmost set of glass doors and follow the signs to your desired location. There is a TV monitor near the church office entrance that will tell you about the day’s events and where they are located. If you are here while preschool and camps are in session, please stop by the office to get a name tag or wear your TLLC member name tag.
Accessibility Information
Recognizing the importance of accessibility, we are committed to making our services, programs, and events accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities.
To inquire about accommodations, please contact the church at at least 3 days before an event.
We are committed to ongoing dialogue to continue to better understand and meet accessibility needs of all people. We look forward to your visit!

Ministry at TLLC
Because the world needs the good news of Jesus Christ! As those who have experienced this good news in the difficult and beautiful moments of our own daily lives, we know that our neighbors, friends, and even those on the other side of the globe need to feel God’s grace for themselves. In each of our ministry areas – Adult Faith Formation; Children, Youth, & Family; Nurture & Fellowship; Outreach; Holistic Stewardship; Worship & Music; Endowment; and the Child Development Center – we use our God-given talents and passions to inspire people to live boldly in God’s triumphant love!