For Members

Volunteer Teams

Thank you for your interest in serving at TLLC!  

If you’d like to join one of our volunteer teams, please click on the buttons below, fill out the form, and a coordinator will contact you with details. We are so excited to have you join the team! All ages and skill levels are welcome! Training is provided every step of the way.

Please note these forms are for NEW folks to join a team. If you already receive sign up schedules for these teams, you do not need to fill out the form again.

Worship Leaders

Communion Assistant
Lay Reader
Assisting Minister
Prayer Writer



Kids Connect

Audio/Visual Tech

Altar Guild

Coffee Connections

Nurture/Fellowship Ministry

Church Adminstration

Click the green button below the document you wish to view.  If you do not see the document you are looking for please contact the church office (512) 346-5683.

Council Reports

For these reports please request a paper copy from the office:
Annual Report
Council Minutes
Pastor’s Report
Deacon’s Report
Treasurer’s Report

Church Governance

For these reports please request a paper copy from the office:
Policy Manual
Personnel Policies

Financial Forms

Expense Voucher
Funds Deposit Transmittal
Receipt Affidavit
Receipt for Donation of Goods
Mileage Reimbursement
Employee Time Sheet

Current Job Openings

Click below for current openings

Connections Card

Thank you for visiting our website. We would like to get to know you and answer any questions you have. Please fill out this connections card and the appropriate person will contact you.

Baptism Form

  • In order for us to be best prepared to celebrate your special day, please schedule at least a month in advance. Note: Not all Sundays are available. Be prepared with a second option.
  • Name as you would like it to appear on the certificate
  • Full name(s) (as you would like them to appear on the certificate, please separate with a coma if more than one name)
  • Full Name(s) (as you would like them to appear on the certificate, please separate with a coma if more than one name)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.