Communion Practice at
Triumphant Love Lutheran Church
The Worship and Music ministry of Triumphant Love affirms that all baptized people, of any age, be welcomed at the Lord’s table and offered the elements. Christ welcomed the little children and did not allow anyone to hinder them. Children who are able to chew and swallow can be full participants in the Lord’s Supper.
The Lutheran church does not insist on cognitive understanding of the mystery of Baptism by the recipient, but the Holy Spirit can nonetheless create a relationship of faith through water and the promise of God. So, too, can faith be nurtured through the bread and wine (body and blood) of the sacrament of Holy Communion. All are welcomed, all are included, as we are all one body in Christ.
There is no command from our Lord regarding the age at which people should be baptized or first communed. Christ’s command is to “do this” and promises his presence for us. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America affirms that admission to the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is by invitation of the Lord, to all who are baptized. At the same time our church is clear that catechesis (teaching) continues throughout the life of the believer, beginning with instruction of and by parents and sponsors.
Parents will use their discretion for allowing children to receive the elements. It is our hope that parents and children will, at an appropriate time in the child’s development (recommended around first grade), participate in our annual class on Holy Communion. Additionally, parents will be instructed in the meaning and practice of Holy Communion at the time of their child’s baptism. Materials for study and reference will also be presented to the parents at that time and are available for any parents requesting them. Our pastor is always available for individual instruction as well, as requested by the parents or child.