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Holistic Stewardship

The Holistic Stewardship team is tasked with providing periodic and ongoing education about being a holistic steward, including caring for creation, ourselves, and neighbors as well as how to share generously of our time, talent, and treasure both at and beyond TLLC. We encourage members and visitors alike to join in our  Stewardship Theme: Boldly Live – Boldly Give.

If you are interested in more information about Holistic Stewardship, fill out our Connections Card.

Time and Talent

Helping members identify and use their spiritual gifts both at and beyond TLLC. Begins with orientation for new members through New Member Classes, Confirmation Classes, and during the annual stewardship campaign and all members participating in our Spiritual Gifts Discovery.

Boldly Live Boldly Give Step Up in Faith Logo


Helping members recognize God’s generosity to us and inspiring all to give generously in response. Our response begins with completing a pledge card during the annual stewardship campaign, making gifts to TLLC ministries, making gifts to community organizations TLLC supports, and considering legacy gifts to TLLC and beyond.

Stewarding Life & Death

The Resurrection Garden is located on the south end of our property.

It is open to the public and offers solitude for reflection, meditation, prayer, and remembrance with a beautiful scenic view. The Memorial Wall includes names of TLLC members who have passed. The Remembrance Wall includes inscribed plaques with the names of those whose ashes are scattered or who are buried elsewhere. There are four columbaria which have niches for interment. They do not need to be members to purchase a niche or remembrance plaque. 

Learn more about our Resurrection Garden.

Click here for more information about funerals at TLLC.

Care of Creation Team

Earthkeeping, Stewardship, Conservation, Restoring Creation, Climate
Justice, Land Acknowledgment, and Earth Day Fair. Seeking to encourage and inspire our congregation to care for creation, we work together to lead TLLC to make our building and our church community a place where God’s gift of the earth is cherished and restored.

We meet on the 4th Saturdays at 1:30-3:00pm in the Parlor.

Interesting places on our property you will find:

Furnishings Team

This team makes decisions regarding the physical appearance of our property by selecting furnishings, finishes, colors, etc. 

Building Rental Space

We offer our building to various outside users and organizations to serve their needs and further their ministries. These events often include academic and music education; local neighborhood and outreach groups; health and wellness education; and private gatherings.