Carl Teinert
Holistic Stewardship
Carl and his family joined TLLC in April 1985 after moving from San Antonio. “Our pastor in San Antonio said we needed to visit two congregations. We never made it to the second because on our first Sunday at TLLC we were greeted by two couples we knew from our days at Lutheran Campus Ministry at UT-Austin. We had found our home and our daughter (now an adult with her own family) grew in faith here along with us!” Early on Carl was on the TLLC Council and later served as Vice President and then Congregation President. Since then, he has served our Southwestern Texas Synod as Chair of the Commission for Mission, then on Synod Council, and then as Synod Vice President. He currently serves on the Mutual Ministry Committee for our Synod Bishop, Sue Briner. Carl says, “There are many favorite things I could list about TLLC, but key are our worship experience with excellent sermons and music and our mission support that we provide to our Synod and the ELCA.”