Deb Hilton
Worship & Music
Deb has been a TLLC member since 1987 when her Dad, now retired Pastor George Reswik, became pastor. She holds a masters in Elementary Education with a specialization in Early Childhood from Texas State. She and her husband were married by her father on November 10, 1990. The have 2 adult children, who were baptized and nurtured at TLLC until they spread their wings and moved to Colorado and Philadelphia. Deb’s membership has included serving as an adult singles leader, a Stephen minister, a Sunday school teacher, vacation Bible school teacher, Monday Women’s Bible study member, and co-director at some of our summer children’s musicals. Currently she serves on the Care Team sending out weekly prayer requests to the TLLC Prayer Warrior group, volunteers as a lay reader, sings in the choir and praise band, and is a member of the Marriage Enrichment Group.
She looks forward to serving on the Worship and Music Committee, helping to support and engage the congregation with a powerful part of our ministry.