God's work.
Our hands.
Let's serve today.
God’s Work. Our Hands. Sunday is September 29
Our congregation will join together for our annual day of service, “God’s work. Our hands.” This day continues to be an opportunity to celebrate who we are—one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.
This year we also celebrate 50 years of ELCA World Hunger. In commemoration of this milestone and World Food Day (Oct. 16), many of our projects are focused on alleviating hunger and poverty.
Projects will take place at TLLC during the 10 AM hour between services (unless otherwise noted) and are detailed below.
We are also selling GWOH themed items to wear and display (order below).
On-site Service Opportunities
** indicates a project that also requests donations. Anyone can provide donations to any of the projects. Click on the boxes with ** to see what donations are needed to complete this project. All donations can be dropped off at TLLC in the Narthex.
TLLC Dusting Team
Join Children’s Ministry Coordinator Cason as we dust the nooks and crannies around the church building. This project is perfect for young children who can reach those low spots!
All supplies will be provided. Just show up and Mr. Cason will lead way!
Assemble Care Kits for distribution by Upbring to their Health for Friends clinic in Lubbock and 10 additional outreach sites.
Donations Needed / travel sizes only:
Bar soap
Hand lotion
Pack of band-aids
Pack of tissues
Bar soap
Hand lotion
Pack of band-aids
Pack of tissues
LuMin Snack Bags**
Assemble Snack Bags for distribution to UT students at LuMin’s Tailgate Tuesday.
Donations Needed:
Small prepackaged snacks such as
Granola bars
Small prepackaged snacks such as
Granola bars
Bread for All
Food Pantry**
Sort, check expiration dates, and pack donations for the Bread for All food pantry, an Austin City Lutherans ministry located in southeast Austin
Donations Needed:
Non-perishable, non-expired food items
baby wipes
toilet paper
H-E-B red plastic bags
Non-perishable, non-expired food items
baby wipes
toilet paper
H-E-B red plastic bags
Bread for the World ELCA Food Advocacy
Write letters and postcards to elected representatives to encourage reauthorization of the Farm Bill.
All supplies will be provided.
Hill Country Community Ministries**
Help keep up our reputation as “The Peanut Butter Church”!
Bring Peanut Butter donations.
Austin City Lutherans
Move-In Ministry**
Donate new or gently-used items to Move-In Ministry, an Austin City Lutherans ministry assisting people in Austin exiting homelessness.
Donations Needed -
new or nearly-new:
Pots & pans
Silverware sets
Cooking utensils
Bed sheets (not king)
Amazon Wish List
Pots & pans
Silverware sets
Cooking utensils
Bed sheets (not king)
Mothers' Milk Bank
Assemble windchimes for the Memorial Garden at the Mothers’ Milk Bank of Austin.
All supplies will be provided.
Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services
Color pre-printed Home for the Holidays cards.
Color pre-printed “Home for the Holidays” cards. In December these cards will be sent to immigration detention centers through the US. LIRS has distributed over 50,000 cards over the past eight years.
Global Health Ministries
Roll bandages to send to overseas health facilities that have no access to clean, affordable bandages, an item they use for patient care every day.
All supplies will be provided.
ELCA World Hunger
Noisy Offering
During worship – Bring your "noisy" money (coins) to place in tin buckets passed around by the children.
Bring your "noisy" money (coins) to place in tin buckets passed around by the Children at the 9am & 11am services. All money will go to ELCA World Hunger
Off-site Service Opportunities
These serving & learning projects and events are offered at different times than the main GWOH event. Click on the boxes to read the details of the event, and if any sign ups are required to participate. Details are still being finalized and will be updated when known.
LuMin Tailgate Tuesday
Tuesday, October 1
Support event financially and work alongside UT student volunteers to provide a free dinner for students.
Support event financially and work alongside UT student volunteers to provide a free dinner for students.
Volunteer shifts are full!!!
but we are still in need of funds to purchase food and supplies for this event.
Donate Here
but we are still in need of funds to purchase food and supplies for this event.
Care of Creation
Saturday, October 5 @ 8:30 AM
Festival Beach Food Forest
Festival Beach Food Forest
Join TLLC's Care of Creation Team and visit the Festival Beach Food Forest in East Austin's Holly neighborhood. Meet at 8:30 AM to carpool from TLLC. High school & adults.
Meals on Wheels
Date & Time: TBD
Tour Meals on Wheels central kitchen and offices
Tour Meals on Wheels central kitchen and offices
Tour Meals on Wheels central kitchen and offices. Adults only.
Community First! Village
Date & Time: TBD
Tour and/or serve at the CF!V
Tour and/or serve at the CF!V
Please bring the recommended donation of $10/volunteer to provide a dignified income for the project leader. Adults only.
Sign Up coming soon
Mariposa Family Learning Center
Date & Time: TBD
Details coming soon
Details coming soon
Details coming soon
Sign Up coming soon
Micah 6 of Austin
Date & Time: TBD
Volunteer at this West Campus Food Pantry
Volunteer at this West Campus Food Pantry
Details coming soon. High school and adults.
Sign Up coming soon
SHOP in our store to purchase special GWOH items to wear and display.
Visit our Outreach Page to learn more about all the organizations we partner with here at TLLC. We encourage you to get involved with any of them. If you have more questions, please fill out a connections card.