Who are the blessed ones of God? For Micah, they are those who do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God. For Paul, they are the ones who find wisdom in the weakness of the cross. For Jesus, they are the poor, the meek, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, those who mourn, and those who hunger for righteousness. As disciples we find our blessed identity and calling in this upside-down, countercultural way of living and serving. In our Sunday worship, God surrounds us with reminders of who and whose we are: we splash in the waters of baptism and are brought to new life in the word. Around the table ,with blessed and broken bread, hunger is satisfied, and a hunger for justice is renewed. Then God sends the gathered assembly, blessed and broken, to feed the hunger of others as, together, we await the fulfillment of this upside-down kingdom.
Image: Weary physician. Photo copyright © iStock/Marilyn Nieves. Used by permission.