Baptisms in a pandemic are a tricky thing! Yet, amazingly they can bring us together despite physical distance. Case in point was the baptism of Harper von Frisch last month. She was born to new member Josh von Frisch and wife Rina in the early days of the pandemic. Since Josh’s dad is a retired Lutheran pastor, they decided that he would perform the baptism and do so at their former congregation Zions Evangelical Lutheran Church in Pennsylvania. Despite the distance, TLLC was there through the banner made for Harper’s special day.
This is a long-standing tradition at TLLC whenever anyone is baptized. It meant a lot to the family to have TLLC be part of Harper’s baptismal day since TLLC will be the place where her faith grows in the future. The von Frisch family picked up the banner, packed it in their suitcase, and proudly hung it by the font in Pennsylvania. And as those gathered there in Pennsylvania were asked, “People of God, do you promise to support Harper and pray for her in her new life in Christ?” A resounding, “We do!” was heard from the people of God all the way back in Austin, Texas!