Trail maintenance is a perpetual job for the members of the Care of Creation team. Limbs fall and block the trails, rains send rocks and debris across the path and litter always needs to be removed. Working the trails can bring unexpected pleasures, however, such as wildlife sightings, but this time of year may provide some of the best rewards.
This past week, a few of our members took to the trails along with their grandson, who was on spring break. The task this time was to finish marking trails that had become less easy to follow.
This small group of workers discovered a beautiful assortment of wildflowers scattered over the hill side. Blue bonnets covered the ground beside the entrance to the trail but that was just the beginning.
Red flowers of the Cedar Sage were hidden close to the ground and under the trees.
Texas Sacahuiste – a native grass with beautiful pink clustered flowers and Texas Mountain Laurel sporting light purple flowers were also in abundance.
The highlight of the time spent on the trail was identifying an unknown wildflower – Roundleaf Ragwort – covering the hill side at the back of the trails.
The magnificence of the wildflowers made work on the trail more enjoyable. The small team finished by collecting the seeds and berries of the invasive plants, cutting back the smaller invasive plants, like heavenly bamboo and tree privet, and picking up the litter.
Take a little time to wander the trails and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation!