Sunday’s gospel story tells of a resurrection appearance unique to Luke. It begins with two disciples walking to Emmaus on Easter evening, overcome with sadness, loss, and disappointment. They are walking alone – or so they think – when the risen Christ walks with them stride for stride, opens their minds to understand the scriptures about him, and then opens their eyes to see him in the breaking of the bread. The story of Emmaus becomes the pattern of our worship each Sunday, and today we celebrate as fifteen of our Confirmation youth affirm their faith and the importance of this pattern in their lives. More importantly, for them (and all of us), this story is a reminder that Jesus always shows up, often doing so in the most surprisingly familiar ways and when we least expect him but need him most. When we are on our own Emmaus Road filled with doubt or fear, dashed hopes or grief, Jesus promises to walk alongside us, meeting us where we are.
image: “The Disciples of Emmaus” mosaic in Polloc Sanctuary in Cajamarca, Peru. Copyright © Carlos Mora/Alamy Stock Photo. Used by permission.