I was out on a walk this week with our family dog, Bosco, when I came upon a little girl walking with her dad. She was wearing a sparkling unicorn horn. When I complimented it, she told me that it was an Easter surprise so I wished her a Happy Easter as we continued on. She looked confused and said, “But Easter’s over,” looking sad. “Oh, no it’s not,” I said, “It’s Easter for 50 days!” Her eyes grew big and so did her smile at the thought of this!
For many, Easter has come and gone, but in the church at least, Easter lasts a week of weeks so that it outlasts our Lenten “fast” of 40 days. As Easter continues our scriptures highlight Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances, pointing us to continue the Easter good news in the world. Join all creation in this Easter worship this week, whether you are joining us for our IN-person OUTdoors “In and Out” Services at 9AM and 11AM or if you are joining the wider church for an online service (see details about both options below)!
The scriptures for this 3rd Sunday of Easter are Acts 3:12-19, Psalm 4, and Luke 24:36b-48. As Jesus points to his hands and feet as ways for his disciples to recognize him, think about ways your feet and hands help our community recognize TLLC as the body of Christ still today!
+Pastor Danielle