God’s work. Our hands. 2023 Projects Completed!

GWOH yard sign

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 10th annual God’s work. Our hands. event last weekend. TLLC members of all ages served as project leaders, participants, donors, and photographers. This was truly God’s work using our hands!

Here’s what we accomplished:
– Assembled 81 Welcome kits for Upbring to distribute to younger foster children (ages 4-11).
– Assembled 100 Hygiene kits for Upbring to distribute to older foster children (ages 12-17).


– Donated 181 pounds of food, 840 diapers, and 25 packages of wipes to the Bread for All food pantry.

– Donated 150 jars of peanut butter to Hill Country Community Ministries.

– Created 12 windchimes for the Memorial Garden at the Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin.

– Colored 41 Christmas cards for Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service to distribute to detention centers.

– Decorated 12 photo frames for Community First! Village to welcome formerly homeless neighbors.

– Donated bedding, towels, dishes, silverware, pots, pans, and other items for Austin City Lutheran’s Move-In Ministry.

– Cleared downed branches/trees and marked turns on the church’s trails on Saturday, AND planted native-pollinator plants in Sabrina’s Hope Garden by the small playground on Sunday (led by TLLC’s Care of Creation Team).


– Sent 40 letters to Senators Cornyn and Cruz to advocate for Farm Bill reauthorization using Bread for the World materials.

– Dusted nooks and crannies around our church building.

– Collected $471.50 during a Noisy Offering for Lutheran Disaster Response.


Special thanks to:
– Thrivent for their Action Team grants which offset the costs of our projects.
Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin for shampoo, lotion, and soap donations for the Hygiene Kits.
– Our TLLC staff for their invaluable assistance with this event.


CLICK HERE to view the full photo album

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