From the Care of Creation Team:
Look what we found in TLLC’s backyard! While walking the garden trail and prayer path we spotted a Hummingbird Moth drinking nectar from one of the Mountain Laurel blossoms. These moths are sometimes mistaken for hummingbirds due to similar size, foraging behavior, and feeding structures. They are considered beneficial pollinators of many species of plants. They lay eggs on the underside of leaves, and hatch into fat green caterpillars that make tasty treats for many birds and their nestlings that reside on TLLC property. If they make it to the ground, they will form into a brown cocoon in the leaf litter until ready to emerge as the next Hummingbird Moth.
So come take a walk in our garden on the prayer path! These are just one of many types of cool critters that you can find while walking the trails of TLLC grounds.
The Care of Creation Team meets monthly on the 4th Saturdays from 1:30-3pm. We seek to encourage and inspire our congregation to care for creation by working together to lead TLLC to make our building, grounds, and our church community a place where God’s gift of the earth is cherished and restored. Join us for topics on Earthkeeping, Stewardship, Conservation, Restoring Creation, and Climate Justice. We meet outside on the front lawn…so bring a chair!