Have you ever said these words, “I’m praying for you”? I’m guessing that I’m not the only one! It’s easy to feel like saying those words or even actually praying for someone is not enough, especially in difficult times. But if you have ever been on the receiving end of those words or if you have had the surprise of someone praying for you, you know how truly powerful that is! Years ago, my husband had major brain surgery and my mom’s best friend prayed for him and his surgeon at her church in West Austin. Little did she know the surgeon’s wife was also a member, overheard the prayers for him, and told him about it! He was a faithful Episcopalian (and therefore attended a different church than his wife), was truly touched, and shared that he felt the impact of those prayers extend beyond his care of our family.
This week, as we get to overhear Jesus saying what’s known as the High Priestly Prayer, we might rethink the importance of our prayers. If you had Jesus’ ear for a minute (and indeed, you do!) what would you ask him to pray for or about? Because Jesus is praying for you! The scriptures for this 7th (and last) Sunday of Easter are Acts 1:15-17, 21-26, Psalm 1, and John 17:6-19. As Jesus prays for the disciples, bring a place you can write down what you need Jesus to pray for you to your worship space!