Inspired Scripture

scripture fulfilled bible verse

God’s promise and call are revealed to us in scripture. Jesus, in coming home and attending the synagogue, reads from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. In a few words, Jesus announces good news to those struggling economically on the fringes of society, hope to those who are imprisoned, healing to those without sight, a lifting of the burden from those who are weighed down or oppressed, and even the in-breaking of a holy year of favor. This is his divine mission, and it is bold, inspired, and loving. As we celebrate the inauguration of Jesus’ mission in his hometown synagogue, we are reminded of our mission in our ONE Church worship and Annual MEATing this Sunday. We join Jesus in this divine mission as we Inspire people to live boldly in God’s triumphant love.

image: Icon of Christ in Greek Orthodox church. Copyright © 2023 Netfalls Remy Musser/Shutterstock. Used by permission.

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