During our Thursday morning Men’s Theology Breakfast, it was brought up that John Paul would probably be in a wheelchair following his hospitalization. As a result, he would need a ramp to enter his house. Within minutes there were six men who volunteered their services to build the ramp.
Typically the monthly men’s breakfast consists of a delicious warm breakfast, a discussion of a theological concept led by Pastor Armin, and completion of work needed to be done around the grounds and building of TLLC. So, the idea of working together for a fellow member fit right into the “mission” of the group. The three of them (pictured here, John, Mark, and Russ along with some neighbors completed the ramp pictured here. It was a wonderful way to demonstrate God’s Work Our Hands. Oh yeah, and the bottles in everyone’s hand: that was what John Paul called “Lutheran Tea”.
That same day, we learned that Dave was moving out of his apartment and needed some extra hands. A call went out at noon and by 3pm there were six more men from the same group (Geoff, Gene, Carl, Nelson, Dennis, and Don) there to complete the job. We didn’t get a picture of this group but some of them are shown in the group picture above taken at one of their breakfast gatherings.