Offering Hospitality

mary martha hospitality

Abraham and Sarah welcome three mysterious visitors in the heat of the day in today’s first reading. In the gospel, Martha welcomes Jesus into her home. Both households offer hospitality to their guests in the form of gracious greetings, water for washing, shade and rest, food and drink, and attentive listening. How do we prepare to receive guests in our households? In the household of the church? How are bodies, spirits, and minds cared for? Sarah, Martha, and Mary offer varying images of hospitality for us today. Guest Preacher Tim Anderson reminds us that we also offer hospitality through our work with Austin City Lutherans. And in worship, week after week, we ourselves receive hospitality as we are fed by Jesus, who is both our host and our guest.

Image: Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (1654-1656) by Johannes Vermeer. Scottish National Gallery. Photo copyright incamerastock/Alamy Stock Photo. Used by permission.

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