When we think of the word “church” something like the picture of our own church building at the top often first springs to mind. On this special Sunday as we rededicate our sanctuary to the glory of God our scriptures speak to us through building images and metaphors. In other words, the texts speak not about buildings but about us – God’s people. Through the parable about the wise one building a house upon rock rather than sand, Jesus reminds us to build our lives on the strong foundation of his word. Likewise, 1 Peter reminds us that we are living stones sent to proclaim Christ—our Cornerstone! Given all that, when we think of the word “church” perhaps we would do better to picture something like this

or this

As we rededicate our church building this Sunday, more importantly let us rededicate ourselves to God’s mission to love the world and share the good news of Christ our Cornerstone! As we rededicate our church building this Sunday, more importantly let us rededicate ourselves to our purpose: To Celebrate and Share God’s Grace!
The scriptures for this Communion Sunday are Psalm 84, 1 Peter 2:4-10, and Luke 6:46-49. Songs for this Sunday are #641 “All Are Welcome” vs. 1, 2 & 4, and #645 “Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation”. We give thanks to this week’s Worship Leaders, Production Crew, and Musicians!