What is Reconciling in Christ (RIC)?
Reconciling in Christ is an organization under the umbrella of the ELCA that helps congregations intentionally discern their welcome to the LGBTQIA+ community, people of color, and beyond!
The RIC process helps us signify to ourselves and to others that we have intentionally decided to discern who we extend welcome too in our community and inside our doors and how we live that out. The Reconciling in Christ process has been around since the 70s and there are 5 other Churches in the Austin area that are RIC.
What is the goal of the RIC process? To write a welcome statement… and mean it! That’s it!
Triumphant Love is over half way through its process, starting all the way back in 2019… the pandemic slowed the process but not the impact! We have already had our first welcome statement writing workshop, and it was a hit! Our team knows that it has never been more important for people to find a place to belong and feel welcomed, especially as a community of faith. Keep a look out for more opportunities to get involved in writing our welcome statement and educational opportunities from our team and community members.