Synod Assembly Worship

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This week we will join together with congregations across the Southwestern Texas Synod (SWT Synod) for a special online Worship Where You Are service brought to us by synod staff as folks gather for this year’s SWT Synod Assembly under the theme: Live Expectantly. Love Abundantly

What is the Synod Assembly? This is an annual gathering of voting members (pastors, deacons, and lay members) from across our synod to learn, grow, and shape our synod for the future.  We will learn from and be updated on happenings in the ELCA by The Rev. Carmelo Santos, Ph.D. is the ELCA Director for Theological Diversity and Ecumenical & Interreligious engagement in the Office of the Presiding Bishop as well as vote on important business including elections to various positions of leadership.

What is a synod? The ELCA is comprised of 65 synods of varying shapes and sizes. Texas includes 4 different synods with ours being the southernmost among them. Our local ministry and witness includes 250+ rostered ministers (pastors and deacons), 120+ congregations, 6 campus ministries, Cross Trails Ministry, numerous ministry partners including Upbring and Lutheran Foundation of the Southwest, the Office of the Bishop, and the Synod Council. You can find more at and

How can I connect and learn more?  1) Join us on Sunday for worship on our TLLC YouTube Channel.  2) Visit the websites above or the synod’s Facebook page. 3) Be sure to lift up prayers for our TLLC Voting Members Pastor Danielle, Deacon Bri, Hunter, Cecie, and Terin, as well as Bishop Sue and our outgoing Synod Council Vice President of 18 years (and TLLC member) Carl!

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