I really enjoyed my experience attending the Southwestern Texas Synod Assembly. The people were nice, the food was absolutely delicious, and the conversations were really engaging. Deacon Bri was there by my side to explain the things I didn’t know (thank you so much Bri) and Deacon Kelly kept it fun by handing our table bubbles. Although not everyone liked them, it was a relief to blow them after that much talking!
My absolute favorite part of this was Pastor Walker-Clarke praying before every ballot was cast. Her prayers were SO interesting, I let out my loudest AMEN at the end of every one of them (I met her, she’s the coolest person ever)!
Overall, my experience was so nice that I decided to apply for an open spot on synod council, and I got it! I can’t wait to serve you all as the newest youth representative member of the Southwestern Texas Synod Council!
Also on synod council from TLLC are Bianca B. and Deacon Bri!