Has this crazy pandemic year (plus) made you wish for a do-over or an opportunity for another take? Maybe it’s all the recording for online worship I’ve done, but at times I just want to holler, “Take 2!” As our Council, Staff, and Board of Ministries members began thinking about our three-year Growing a Generous Faith vision, we realized we didn’t want to let the pandemic short-change our year of faith formation. It’s just too important! So this Sunday we are kicking off Forming Faith from Roots to Fruit… Take 2! Throughout the year we will once again lift up the importance of faith formation and challenge one another to grow from roots to branches to fruit. Each of us is in a unique place in our faith journey and therefore we may feel called to focus in certain areas:
Join us for worship as we focus on this year’s theme and make plans to join us for the Faith Formation (Sunday School) hour, Wednesday Connect, or another service or learning opportunity this year so that the seed of faith planted in you by our Creator can be tended by Christ our Gardener and shaped by our Arborist the Holy Spirit!
The scriptures for this Sunday are off-lectionary in order to highlight our Forming Faith theme: Psalm 1, Romans 10:3-17, and John 15:1-8. Songs for this Sunday are “Bring Forth the Kingdom”, “You Are the Seed” vs. 1 & 3, and #543 “Go, My Children”. We give thanks to this week’s Worship Leaders, Production Crew, and Musicians!