After 40 days of Lent and Holy Week, now we reach the pinnacle of our church year – Easter Sunday, the highest and holiest day of the church year. After weeping at the cross, we travel with the women and arrive to find an empty tomb. The Easter festival is considered the central feast of the church and therefore lasts even longer than Lent – 50 days. The altar, which was stripped on Maundy Thursday, is now bedecked with Easter lilies. The processional cross, which was draped in black on Good Friday, is now lifted high to proclaim the love of the resurrected Christ. Not just on Easter morning, but throughout all the Sundays of Easter, we continue to celebrate the rich mystery of God’s triumphant love for us in Christ’s resurrection to new life. “Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia,” we proclaim!