The Wounds of God’s Triumphant Love

The Easter season is not just one day, but rather it is a week of weeks – seven Sundays – when we experience the mystery of Christ’s presence, mostly through the glorious Gospel of John. This Sunday we gather with the disciples on the evening of Easter, and Jesus breathes the Spirit on them. When Thomas misses the moment of this visit, he asks for a sign too. Jesus offers his wounded self as that sign. We too often need signs to help us believe, and Jesus offers up his broken body in the broken bread of communion as that sign. The story reminds us that “the sign” was not God’s crushing military might but rather was the wounds of God’s triumphant love. From frightened individuals hiding behind locked doors, we are transformed into a community of open doors, peace, forgiveness, and material sharing such that no one among us is in need. Join us this Sunday as we are reminded that God the Creator’s peace, Jesus’ wounds, and the breath of the Holy Spirit leads Thomas – and us – to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead so that “through believing we may have life in his name” (John 20:31).

image: Cross sculpted in a wall by Pascale Gueret. Copyright © 2022 Getty Images Plus via Getty Images. Used by permission.

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