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TLLC Preschool

Ziehe Grandchild

The Preschool is so fortunate to have amazing families that make our school so special. This spring, during the Covid closure, we wanted to let them know we were missing them so we placed a yard sign in every yard and a door sign on the ones living in apartments!


Some of our families are as far away as Loyola (east Austin), Westgate (South Austin) and all the way to Taylor Texas. CDC Director Laura Mumme says, “They are worth the drive!” The signs had a huge impact on families as well. Geoff & Laura Roach said, “It was so wonderful and such a surprise to see the sign from the CDC in our yard. Even though Molly couldn’t be with her teachers and friends at school, she was excited to share her smile back with the school once seeing the sign.”


Parent and Board President Amanda Bofferding said, “It was such a nice surprise to find this sign in our yard – like a little hug from Seth’s teachers and our TLLC-CDC family!”


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