Women’s Retreat 2021

Boundless Compassion

“Boundless Compassion”

October 15-17

Come join us as we develop compassion as never before! Discover with us compassion from science, medicine, theology, spirituality, sociology, and psychology. You will be encouraged to explore personal and professional expressions of compassion and to re-energize your ability to offer loving kindness to those around you.

Boundless Compassion by Joyce Rupp
Presented by Karen Kelley and Shirley Chambliss (trained staff by Joyce Rupp’s team)
Focus will be on chapters 1-3 for the weekend

Registration / Payment 
Basic retreat cost covers speakers, lodging, and 4 meals. Saturday only cost covers speakers and lunch. Books will be available to pick up in the church office. Only online payments are accepted, no cash or checks. Full payment is required at time of registration.

The retreat is over and we had a wonderful time! Check back this time next year.

For more information contact the church office at info@tllc.org

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Baptism Form

  • In order for us to be best prepared to celebrate your special day, please schedule at least a month in advance. Note: Not all Sundays are available. Be prepared with a second option.
  • Name as you would like it to appear on the certificate
  • Full name(s) (as you would like them to appear on the certificate, please separate with a coma if more than one name)
  • Full Name(s) (as you would like them to appear on the certificate, please separate with a coma if more than one name)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.