This past Spring was big for us, 17 Triumphant Love kids graduated high school. That’s not so unusual for most of us as there are seniors graduating every year, but this year’s group just happened to be our first group of Confirmands that Jan & Gene Richards mentored on Wednesday nights. They reflected, “We started as Confirmation Mentors on an invitation from Deacon Bri, and wound up in the classic situation of discovering that the kids mentored us as much or more than we did them. We spent Wednesday nights with them for two years and then watched them as they became engaged in TLLC over the next four years.” “We recognized them all with a message acknowledging their efforts undertaken to reach graduation and of their impact on our lives. We couldn’t help but do one last bit of mentoring and encouraged them to live the lines of a favorite song, ‘We are called to act with justice, We are called to love tenderly, We are called to serve one another, to walk
humbly with God.’” The Richards shared that they received nice notes from all of them, sharing quick moments of where they are headed in this beautiful world. “We even tracked down one graduate whose family had moved after the 8th grade. Her reply would make any TLLC member proud for having been a part of her life…she spent this past summer as a Vacation Bible School Counselor. That is Good News by anyone’s account!”