2019 Endowment Ministry Grant Report
The Endowment Committee wishes to thank everyone who has so generously supported and donated to the fund this year. We received a record number of applications for the grants, and your support helped fund $24,500 in grants for local non-profits to make a difference in our community! Specifically, these grants will help provide:
Firnhaber Seminary Education Fund:
Two seminary students with financial assistance to help them complete their seminary education, including to TLLC’s Cecie Sukniac.
Grant Awards:
Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin: 1,000 ounces of mothers’ milk for medically fragile babies of families that lack financial means.
Seedling Foundation: Children of incarcerated or deported parents will receive a trained, committed volunteer to help them succeed in spite of their circumstances.
Meals on Wheels of Central Texas Mike’s Place: An Alzheimer patient will receive two days a week of care in a nurturing environment with well trained staff which will allow a caregiver a much-needed break from their often exhausting duties.
Foster Angels of Central Texas: Twenty-two foster children be able to feel a little sense of normalcy by being able to participate in functions most children take for granted such as camp, sports teams, and prom, to name a few.
AGE of Central Texas: Three people will receive vital training from CaregiverU to learn how to care for vulnerable older adults, learning about fall prevention, dementia, and other skills.
Round Rock Area Serving Center: 190 food insecure families in our community will be able to get groceries from the Round Rock Serving Center’s food pantry.
Lutheran Campus Ministries: 50 lower income UT students will be able to access groceries during the summer and on holidays at the Lutheran Campus Ministries Daily Bread food pantry.
Cross Trails Ministries: Campers at Camp Chrysalis will be able to enjoy a new bridge and other Creekside improvements that will enhance their camping experience.
Caritas: One homeless person will receive employment services that will help them transition out of homelessness and make a reliable living wage.
Jewish Family Services of Austin: 20 low-income people will receive counselling and therapy services.
You can support the work of the TLLC Endowment by making a contribution online or consider naming the TLLC Endowment as a beneficiary on your IRA, 401(k), life insurance or your will. Every gift counts to helping improve the lives of our neighbors. Your gift to the Endowment is a legacy that keeps on giving.