Linked with the reading from 1 Thessalonians and Psalm 90, Jesus’ parable of the talents invites a full-hearted response to God’s lavish gifts of faith and purpose: “Use ‘em if you’ve got ‘em!” The people of God are meant to be engaged, alert, and ready to share what we have received from our generous God. While the parable has sometimes been interpreted in the context of judgment, a careful reading also spotlights the beauty of the faith-generated response to God’s lavish grace.
One word for this is stewardship. Presented in light of God’s gift of faith and purpose, this “churchy” term can today be transformed to new understanding in the gospel text. Instead of the weight of obligation and duty we so often associate with religion, we are invited today to another way: What does it mean to be awake to the grace of God? Join us as Deacon Kelly preaches and invites us to wonder how can we boldly respond to God’s love for us with our time, talents, and treasure?
image: Stained glass mosaic of sun pattern in church, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Photo copyright © Gaertner/Alamy Stock Photo. Used by permission.