O Come, O Wisdom!
Today’s title is Wisdom, and so we add our voices to generations of God’s people who cry out, “O come, O Wisdom from on high!” Among these voices crying out was John the Baptist, who shows us what God’s wisdom looks like: God did not have a messenger appear in the Temple’s Holy of Holies but rather in the Judean wilderness and not in the rulers of the time, but rather in a wild-eyed prophet. The story of John the Baptist foreshadows God’s counter-cultural wisdom in having Jesus’ birth in a stable and his death on a cross. As Paul proclaims, “For God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength.” In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, the cultural wisdom encourages Christmas shopping in October, while God’s wisdom invites us to light candles, watch, wait, and prepare for Emmanuel, God-with-us, to come once again.