Pray always. Do not lose heart. This is Christ’s encouragement in the gospel for Sunday as he shares the parable of the unjust judge. Through the persistence of the widow we are shown the importance of justice in such a way that this praying we are called to do is not just any old praying.
Prayer is inextricably linked to persistence and even protest. Like Jacob in our Old Testament scripture, we are reminded to wrestle with how the kingdom of this world does not always align with the kin-dom of God. Through worship we are reminded of our baptism and called to regularly come to Christ’s table. “Come, Lord Jesus,” the church prays! “Hear, our prayer,” the church prays! And God indeed answers… but often it seems through us! Join us on Sunday as I share my own story of how this has happened in my own prayer life. Join us as we are reminded that persistence in our every encounter with the divine will be blessed.