Resistance: Beneath the Cross with Jerusalem

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Though we sometimes doubt and often resist God’s desire to protect and save us, our God persists! In holy baptism, God’s people have been called and gathered into a God-initiated relationship that will endure. Likewise, in Luke we see that Jesus persists. He will not be distracted or turned away from his purpose, even if that includes moving toward his own death in Jerusalem. He desires to gather us like a hen gathers her chicks. By standing beneath the cross in Lent, we find inspiration as we seek to live our lives in concert with God’s purposes. The church, the body of Christ, doesn’t exist for itself. Rather, the church exists to be a partner with God in God’s mission to love, bless, and reconcile the world. Join us this Sunday as Deacon Bri preaches and helps us consider how we – like Jerusalem before us – still resist Jesus’ gathering and how Jesus persists in saving us even now.


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