Trinity Sunday – The Fullness of God

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I have been a dancer since I was a little girl, and while I am not nearly as good as I was in high school and college, I still love to dance. I know others who confess to having two left feet and plaster themselves to the wall like some flowering vine when they hear the music start.  Whether you are a dancer or a wallflower or somewhere in between, on Trinity Sunday we begin to hear the music as God invites us into a holy dance saying, “Come, Join the Dance of Trinity!”

Probably because of my dancing background, I have always loved the Trinity Sunday song that we will hear this week, “Come, Join the Dance of Trinity” with its English folk tune. For me it connects with the way God invites us into this dance:
+ There is a lovely melody with an ancient quality reminding us of God’s eternal nature.
+ There is syncopation to remind us that sometimes following Jesus makes us out of step with the world.
+ There is a strong downbeat to help us when we feel we are spinning without the Spirit.
So on Sunday, if you can’t pull off a chaînés jeté (a turning leap) trust that God can at least help you start tapping your toes!

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