Back to School Blessing
Although not a liturgical holiday, the Sunday before school starts has been a milestone in our congregation for years. With special Back to School Litanies
Although not a liturgical holiday, the Sunday before school starts has been a milestone in our congregation for years. With special Back to School Litanies
“Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Jesus promises the kingdom to us, his
This Sunday’s texts offer instruction and encouragement for all who are occasionally overwhelmed by the “unhappy business” of life. “All is vanity and a chasing after
Today’s readings incorporate several themes: negotiation, commands, persistence, and expectation. And surrounding all these themes is a bigger theme: boldness. Abraham is bold in speaking
Abraham and Sarah welcome three mysterious visitors in the heat of the day in today’s first reading. In the gospel, Martha welcomes Jesus into her
As Jesus is challenged to explain what is involved in obeying the greatest commandment, he tells “The Parable of the Good Samaritan.” It is a
When we picture Jesus and his followers together, most likely we imagine Jesus sitting around with the twelve disciples. Yet in this week’s gospel Jesus
What does it mean to be a disciple? Sunday’s texts answer this question in various ways. In his letter to the Galatians, Paul spells out the
Two Sundays ago we celebrated Pentecost and last Sunday we celebrated Trinity Sunday. Now our paraments are green, and they will stay that way throughout the
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